If you were a fan of our previous Mashup Monday's feature then you are more than familiar with the mashup duo known as The White Panda. They have just released their latest album entitled Pandamonium. And just to make things even better; they have released the album for "any price you choose" over on their bandcamp page. So, for all readers out there that have been dying for us to post some mashups; this is for you. The first full-length single from the album is "Fly & Freaky".

Fly and Freaky
Download: The White Panda – Fly & Freaky
The White Panda - Pandamonium - 32 Id Rather Save Heart
Download: The White Panda – I'd Rather Save Heart
The White Panda - Pandamonium - 09 Infinite Dream
Download: The White Panda – Infinite Dream
Download: The White Panda – Pandamonium
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Montrey Whittaker
Like many, I started my musical education while engaged in playing classical music in school. What began as a simple adolescent activity, quickly transformed into a deep love and appreciation for all forms of music. This love would continue to grow and manifested itself into the form of becoming a Co-Founder of EARMILK. This online music publication has become my outlet to spread all genres of music to those impressionable people, much like me. And, much like you, i'm often literally waiting for the drop....