Indie pop act James Wyatt Crosby gifts us his latest single "Lemonade (No I Never)", a solid sunny-filled tune that reeks of 80s nostalgia.
"Lemonade (No I Never)" is his first release since his debut album Twins released in 2017. The self-produced single is highly enthralling with its melody-driven structure that taps into 80s indie pop. Although the song's lyrics paint a picture of a bittersweet love affair, the summery vibes of the sun-soaked piano loops and slinky guitar lines dampen any form of sadness on the song. The talented act sure knows his stuff as he purposely lifts chords inspired by cheesy daytime TV shows and layered them over atmospheric textures. To be honest, we can't qualify the feeling of the song in text form so it's best you hit the play button to fully experience what Mr Crosby calls "…hypnagogic homespun pop at its finest …"
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