SwuM. is back at it again, with the bumpin’ baby making jams. When the song starts out, you may be thinking, “damn, this is a sensual ass lullaby”, then around 0:40 seconds in, he hits us with all kinds of synths and drums to wake us the fuck up.
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Redefining badgal RiRi’s term “work” as we know it in 2016, SwuM. slows it way down while keeping you on your toes for the entirety of the track, adding infinite layers that unfold until the very last second.
Going down as one of the most remixed songs of all time, baby girl Aaliyah’s “Rock the Boat” has stayed above water long after her passing. Commemorating one of the best in the game, SwuM. appropriately remixed her classic with smooth under watering sounding synths, tight breaks and wavy vocal loops acting as the main instrument to hit you right in the feels with this cut.
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