Three years after embarking on his solo career, Britain's Chris Elliott (aka Nom De Strip) already can list some of the best-known electronic labels on his resume. Add to this the infamous mau5trap, for which he recently produced a remix of Deadmau5 and Wolfgang Gartner’s “Channel 42” and now has released his Clouds EP: Vol 1. What I didn’t expect from the three electro/progressive tracks was the strong big room feel that mau5trap normally doesn’t feature. “Clouds," “Counting Sheep" and “Pulse” all contain those telltale noises: refined grinding melodies, dirty climbs, and penetrating highs that one comes to expect of the genre. If volume one only gave us a preview of Nom De Strip’s talents, then I heartily expect volume two to step up the game.

Nom De Strip
Clouds EP: Vol 1
- mau5trap
- 2/25/13