Situated in Soho is a little group called FAM. They are not your average producers; they don’t make music, they don’t lay beats, but they produce. They make things, unique things – products and experiences. They bring like-minded people together and today they introduce our EARMILK community to Illuminati AMS. Illuminati AMS is a 4-person clique, but the world will know all about 'em soon enough: 2013 is their year. Big ups to Illuminati for doing the accompanying mixtape for everyone.
[soundcloud url="" params="" width=" 100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]
As far as FAM goes, the group is made up of Sam Campodonico Ludwig, Emi Stewart, Francesco Struzzi and Duncan Winecoff. The name FAM is short for Family. You know, like "Whats up Fam?" or "Oh yeah, she's Fam." It's also an acronym for their main concentrations – Fashion, Art and Music. So why the mention? We are so used to hearing about the artists, but don’t ever know who exactly is behind the scenes. Well these are the people. In addition to working with Illuminati AMS,they create special experiences with musicians — like having Radiohead (including Thom Yorke) surprise DJ at their Coachella event in 2012. Lately, though, they’re known best for throwing banging parties in NYC with tactfully selected emerging talent, bringing in the likes of trap frontrunners Lunice and Baauer.
I had a chance to ask the group a few questions for our readers who wanted to know more about the behind the scenes action.