Domani Harris, or more aptly known Domani, just dropped off proof he can push his own weight in the big leagues of hip-hop. His latest track "Time Will Tell" opens with him sampling Z.Z. Hill’s classic, “That Aint The Way You Make Love.” Following the sample, the snare and 808s team up with Domani's distorted vocals and deliver a menacing and ominous sound. While it’s fair to be skeptical at first, by the end of the track Domani removes all doubt, this a young artist who didn't come to play.
Domani is fighting an uphill battle in an attempt to stray from his father’s shadow. Let's be honest, on this new drop Domani does what we wish more artists would do, he raps his truth. On the track he spits, “I remember watching Family Matters on that TV channel, when they took my pops for protecting us, did my family matter?” On top of spitting heavy, Domani even gets melodic on the hook. The best part? He raps three verses and the song is longer than three minutes; that’s becoming more unheard of in modern-day rap. A skillful lyricist and only 18, Domani has room to grow. Only time will tell if the promising artist sticks it out. We're hoping he does!
Connect with Domani: Instagram | Twitter | SoundCloud