Christine's "Drama" featuring T La Rock has just been released via the cutting edge Uprise. The French synth pop duo is best known for their retro sound and heavy influence from cinema and film. What the electronic duo do best is apply identifiable aesthetics by correlating it with their sound and visuals. Drawing inspirations from 80's cinematography and graphics, the duo create an attractive image and marry a sentimental funk into a French touch sound.
In the duo's most recent release, they unveil their follow up, "Drama" to their sinister party video "Howling Wave". With a darker yet groove induced sound, the video perfectly accompanies the Halloween holiday. The track cleverly samples T La Rock's "Runaway" within their classic French house sound, highlighting a definite "drama" and attitude to take note of. The video begins with a mysterious man who intrudes a crime scene abruptly with some sick break dance moves. The video continues with bizarre footage of the man reflecting on suspects involved and dancing with individuals on scene. Watch out for the release of Christine's first ever upcoming album, set for release in early 2017.