There are some artists that you instantly recognize by the uniqueness of their voice. Xavier Omär is one of them. Formerly known as SPZRKT (Spazzy Rocket), he has become a familiar voice appearing on many of our favorite releases over the last 2 years (Mick Jenkins "Angles", Jahkoy "Still in Love", Noname "All I Need"). He is ready to prove that he is here to stay with his new EP, The Everlasting Wave. Through his approach of showcasing the many sides of R&B, it's safe to say Xavier Omär will safely be a household name. We had the opportunity to pick Xavier's brain about the name change, his relationship with Soulection, and The Everlasting Wave.
EARMILK: How have things changed for you since the decision to go by your birth name Xavier Omär?
Xavier Omär: It's opened up a lot more opportunities. I guess it feels more approachable and still garners a bit of intrigue. We've had some great business opportunites since the change and I believe that will continue.
EARMILK: Looking back, are you glad you didn't make it to the next round of American Idol?
Xavier Omär: Extremely. I have a couple of friends who have done it, and I saw their struggle with their contract situations, as well as the way they want to launch their careers. But I'm mostly glad because it wasn't for me.
EARMILK: You have a strong relationship with Soulection. How did that relationship begin? Is there a member of Soulection that you haven't worked with yet that you hope to collaborate with in the near future?
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Xavier Omär: They became aware of me after Sango found me back in late 2012. From there I got a chance to talk to Joe Kay over the phone and eventually meet the rest of the team at SXSW 2014, and now we're family. I'd love to get chance to work with a lot of those guys. Sivey and Monte Booker come to mind immediately as guys I haven't worked with yet that I've recently talked to about it.
EARMILK: How did you come up with the title for your new EP, "The Everlasting Wave"?
Xavier Omär: I wanted to counteract the stigma that I was just a wave or that I was simply a part of a wave. I'm not just passing through, I'm here. And I'll be here for a very long time. So I wanted something that encompassed that mindset, as well as something that represented each subject. Self value, respect for women, and looking to hope will always be the Wave.
EARMILK: How would you describe the sound of the "The Everlasting Wave"?
Xavier Omär: I think it's as diverse as R&B can be. I wanted to make sure I was rooted in R&B and to show its diversity beyond the dark moody sound or beyond the constant trap soul sound that we hear. So there are live instruments, an acoustic record, an acapella, computerized sounds. It's everything that could evoke feeling from the soul.
EARMILK: You seem to be a sought after feature – appearing on a number of dope projects over the last year or two. However, there are no features on your new EP. Was this intentional or did it just work out that way? Why?
Xavier Omär: A bit of both. I felt I had a lot to prove by myself but I also just ended up having a lot to say for myself on these subjects. I plan to work with a lot of artists on my future projects, but it's cool to be the lone writer on a release for once. It may never happen again.
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Enjoy Xavier Omär's The Everlasting Wave on Spotify or Apple Music.
- Connect with Xavier Omär: Soundcloud | Facebook | Twitter