London’s Zola Blood returns with a taste of their forthcoming debut album, a poignant beauty called “Heartbeat.” The indie 4-piece has a knack for creating folky, lyrical music with this polished electronic pop façade. They almost remind me of Mumford & Sons, but with the chilled, sleek style of someone like Caribou. “Heartbeat” eases in with an acoustic guitar and billowing vocals before running away with the vocal lead and layered instrumentation, then there’s no turning back.
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Zola Blood manages to captivate the listener with this distant feeling and sense of longing in their music. It lies not only with the woven together melodies, but also with their lyrical tales. The band only has a handful of releases under their belts at this point, but these guys have honed in on a great sound. "Heartbeat" will be available on July 25th and look for Zola Blood's self-produced debut Infinite Games at a later date—preorder it from the band here!
Connect with Zola Blood: SoundCloud | Facebook | Twitter