Chelsea Reject is a part of the growing New York City underground scene, whose most known members happen to be Joey Bada$$ and Pro Era. Like the group of rambunctious stargazing lyricists, Reject hails from Brooklyn and has a knack of finding deeper meaning in some of the more typical activities of her day-to-day. She has amassed a significant local fan base, made up of like-minded individuals who are drawn to her barrage of complex rhymes, thrown about her songs at a near dizzying pace. However, when she has to slow down the energy, the feeling and the thematic breadth never suffer, but somehow their significance are amplified.
Reject's latest single features Pro Era member, Kirk Knight, and her frequent collaborator T'Nah Apex. "47" is a mystical number, which many believes shows up more in nature than any other figure. Whether you believe in its power or not, is of little importance. "47" is a track that features bars of introspection that bleed together to make not only a portrait of each artist, but the image of the world these young artists reside. There are lines that deal with betrayal, jealousy, and disappointment; although, there are also moments where they express joy over being able to enjoy simple acts of life.
"47's" album artwork features a drawn picture of Reject floating through space, with her two eyes glowing and her third piercing through the haze. It is a interesting photo representation of the track, which features all three artists attempting to escape the distractions of life to reach a sense of enlightenment. Dougy's production also plays on this stabled sense of gliding, with a sample that feels like it is straight out of the ethereal plane, but a dusty drum loop holds it back from flying too far.
Chelsea Reject has stated that "47" will be on her next release, entitled CMPLX, which is due out on May 11. It is definitely sounding like a nice smooth project, keep you eye out for it.