Beginning back in 2009, New England based Indie-folk rock group Mercies has is carving their name into the indie-rock landscape with valiant strides. Their sound is rich in indie rock/pop melodies with tinges of folk and Americana. Overall their sound is uniquely their own but still resounds and upbeat indie folk sound similar to Grizzly Bear, Neutral Milk Hotel and Fleet Foxes. The promising group is gearing up to release their highly-anticipated Sophomore LP Blue Against Green on March 31st via Randm Records. This LP is a culmination of their life experiences since the group came to fruition 6 years ago and is rich in contemplative lyrics, robust textured melodies, brooding vocals that are frail yet empowering, and subject matter that we can all gravitate and relate to. Mercies band member Josh Rheault spoke about the album saying, “"Blue Against Green is a collection of life experiences, both professional and personal. It's about our move from the woods of New England to the California coast, taking risks, and having the will to keep moving forward.””
In celebration of the albums forth-coming release, EARMILK readers get to stream the LP in it’s entirety before it’s March 31st. The album is a glistening array of upbeat and somber, reflective and rejoicing. Stand out songs “Atwater” and “Deep Sleeper” are ones that you will have on repeat for days. However, as a whole this album works and moves so intricately and perfectly as one whole cohesive unit. Listen to the LP in it’s entirety below and pre-order the album here.