Dru Barnes kind of has a crazy story. As in, a story so crazy he's now missing an eye and that's why he has an eyepatch in the photo above. Besides that though, he's also an incredible artist, who's taken his unfortunate experience and twisted it 180 degrees as he creates beautiful, experimental sounds for the world to enjoy, this time under his own name.
His newest track meshes and eclectic array of indie, R&B, and soul, then douses it in a dreamy psychedelic syrup that results in a completely unique sound. With positive messages embedded throughout, it's amazing how positive and light the song is, without it sounding like its bubblegum pop or anything even close to that.
While Barnes certainly has an interesting story, what really caught us was his ability to excite us with his sounds in a sea of music that gets heard by us writers, and we are sincerely hoping that we get to hear more tracks soon. He's got a special artistic sense, and we only expect even greater things.
Check out the track below!