I have grown quite fond of Dr. Fresch's silky smooth arrangements, and his audacity to take songs he loves and put his twist on them. His pure love for the music he edits serves as a good enough reason for me to listen. After he released his twangy, soulful cover of Daft Punk's "Something About Us" I realized this was not someone to just enjoy in the present time, but rather look forward to his progression.
After a long session of vegging out to Grand Theft Auto V (which I am totally knowledgeable of) Dr. Fresch decided to take one of the amazing tracks off the game's score called "Obsession" by Animotion, and thread it with Nate Dogg's "I Got Love". The track gives new meaning to funky as Fresch incorporates some of the nastiest bass line sounds I've ever encountered. Not only does this track deserve it's own spot on FlyLo's radio station in GTAV, but it deserves a top spot in any progressive club's playlist. Fresch released htis one yesterday via his own label, Prep School Recordings.
Dr. Fresch has offered this one up for download, just like his other tracks, so grab it now while it's hot.
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Dr. Fresch
You're My Obsession (Feat. Nate Dogg & Animotion)
- Prep School Recordings
- February 24