A little while back, Brooklyn based artist Tei Shi showered us with bits of sadness, beauty and everything in between with her latest EP Saudade. Adorned with dreamy, indie alternative tracks including "M&Ms" and the strikingly harmonious "Sickasfuck," Saudade exhibits the grandeur of Tei Shi's comforting vocals and the chilling composition that accompanies them.
"Nevermind The End," which premiered shortly before the EP's release gave listeners a taste of what to expect from Tei Shi, but thankfully production duo LIL SAD has left us with a gorgeous new remix to satisfy our yearning for more. LIL SAD amplifies the fusion of indie and alternative pop with a slower, more melancholic beat that replaces the lighter acoustic sounds of the original with echoing vocals and heavier bass and synth.
LIL SAD definitely stays true to the name. With remixes ranging from "U Make Me," which brilliantly samples Giselle's spine tingling "Silk," to "Saw U Leave" which samples Carina Round's ballad-esque "For Everything A Reason," LIL SAD owns their distinct moping trill sound. It's quite easy to get hooked on it, so approach the music with caution.
Stream this enthralling remix of "Nevermind The End" below while I keep my keep my fingers crossed for a future LIL SAD x Yung Lean collaboration.
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