Anytime Bromance Records comes out with something new, we listen. The brainchild of Brodinski and Manu Barron has often featured riveting dark techno tracks from one of our favourite French producers Gesaffelstein, and this week he dropped his latest EP, Bromance #4 – "Rise of Depravity". Paris has a knack for producing genre-bending virtuosos and Gesaffelstein is one of the best. “Belgium” is straight up menacing. The way the bass begins on the one count, moves to one and three, and then to all four, gives the track an odd sense of urgency (like you're running away from something). And the climb… You’re trapped until it releases you into this 80’s whooping sound. The real treat off the release though is “Depravity,” which begins with this round, subdued horn, like a monster snoring in the shadows. That monster is soon awoken as one of Gesaffelstein's signature synths comes pouring in, driving you forward into a pounding drop that you can't help but dance to. This is a peak time rave weapon and might just be my favourite Gesaffelstein track to date.
Stream:Gesaffelstein – Belgium (Original Mix)
Stream:Gesaffelstein – Depravity (Original Mix)