Beat tapes have and continue to serve as something of an audible résumé for many aspiring and up-and-coming producers. Sites like Bandcamp and Soundcloud enable artists to showcase their work to a vast audience and on the flip-side expose listeners to a wide array of music from well-established artists to aspiring bedroom producers and everyone else in between. West Coast beatsmith Suhnraw's latest beat tape 4U is a testament to the power of online music stores like Bandcamp. After a thorough listen, 4U is clearly the work of a diligent crate digger. The tape is packed full of soulful sample-based production with a crisp and well polished vintage sound. Follow the link below to head over to Suhnraw's Bandcamp page where the tape is available for free or donation.

Adrian Smith
student. English major/History minor.future educator.avid music listener/blogger/hip hop aficionado. amateur shapeshifter.part-time misanthrope