M.I.A. flipped me off at the Superbowl, and I loved every second of it. She truly is one of the baddest girls in the industry, and people salivate over her 'bad bitch' mentality. Our obsession with the wild side of the celebrity world seems to stem from some sort of inner desire we all have to be able to do whatever the hell we want, when we want. That's what M.I.A. does, and it's fantastic. Barbaric Merits' "ChainBangin Remix" of "Bad Girls" hits like a cold shot of middle finger to the face. Down with the norm I say, and here's to the Unconventional Hierarchy.

M.I.A. – "Bad Girls" (Barbaric Merits ChainBangin Remix)
Ronnie Evans
Music Blogger/ Indie Music Consultant/ PR Representative/ Musician/ Artist/ Entreprenuer/ Comedian/ Music World: Contact Me. Upon this day, I declare that Indie music is leaps and bounds more pure than anything else, and the Term "Indie" means not that a band isn't mainstream, but that a band has been able to hold on to its roots, even through fame and fortune. While the wonderful thumps and womps of electronic music gets me grooving, it will always be the Alternative Indie Rock that guides me to the homeland. And for that -- I both thank it and applaud it -- for it has brought me great pleasure in the past and will so in the future.