James Cooley is a solo artist from Denver, Colorado.Cooley makes music under the name, Mesita. Last winter, he stimulated the blogosphere with his pure nostalgic tunes, a particular track is "Somewhere Else". Attached below is a Soundcloud player with ten of his previous works including "Somewhere Else".
Mesita has the ability of capturing your most inner yearnings and expresses it in a compelling way. A great example is the song we are proudly premiering,"You or the City". The track begins with a digital rhythm, following eerie layers of other synthesizers. In less than 10 seconds, Cooley dives in to tell a poetic experience at an airport. Here is what he said about "You or the City".
"I was at LaGuardia after a trip to NYC a few years back. I was fortunate enough to visit over spring break for my 21st birthday. The day I flew out, there was this incredible fog around the airport that delayed the plane for hours, and I just sat in the concourse waiting to board while sorting out all these issues in my head. I left something behind that I cared about, but still not sure what that was. I didn't want to leave the city, but I was stuck waiting for hours in the airport for my flight and couldn't move on. It is a moment that will stay with me for the rest of my life."
The song takes several breaks but during the middle, you can hear a fierce resonance of the guitar. Mesita's music is enthralled with passion and it is clear to his listeners. We are expecting remarkable things from Cooley in 2012 but for now, feel free to follow Mesita on all social networks.
Mesita Here's To Nowhere
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/669953" height="200"]
@Banacrisp // briana@earmilk.com