When I think Fake Blood, I think nonstop, fidgety energy. For some occasions, that's great, but not everyone operates like they've had seventeen shots of espresso all the time, and that means that some listeners might find Fake Blood to be a small doses kind of guy, or just altogether offputting. That's why I was happy to stumble upon this new Fake Blood mix from Mad Decent, Used Vol. 1. Fake Blood's usual erratic sound is replaced by chilled out, hip-hoppy beats that make me want to drink beers on the stoop or in the shower instead of at the club. It's just what the recent New England dance-party-hindering summer heat wave ordered. Another positive: I'd guess that "Vol. 1" in the title implies there'll be future volumes to come, hopefully future volumes where we'll continue to see new facets of our friend Theo Keating. I'm almost always more impressed by a DJ who rocks a few different styles well–or at least periodically dirties his hands in things outside his regular comfort zone–than one who's just really good at one thing (I'm looking at you, Skrillex).
[soundcloud width="100%" height="81" params="color=000000" url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/19782082"] Fake Blood – Used Vol.1 by earmilkalyce