Apparently created as a compilation live performances of Cyberpunkers, Dirty Disco, and GETWET! – YOU AGAINST DISCO Vol. III, is a video teaser series from likely using b-roll from OMGITM vids. (In this case probably from the "Nu Rave Bomb" concert earlier this month)
Black Judas are the collective behind this video (and others) and judging by their .de stature I assume they hail from that neck of europe and help represent the amazing video movement of dance that OMGITM has generated.
These are our music videos. Who votes that we create an MTV circa 1985 exclusively for this.
Black Judas – Cyber Punkers, Dirty Disco, GETWET! (Feb 2011)
Black Judas – BELZEBASS & SAINT PAULI (Dec 2010)
If you'd like some tracks for context, checkout some of the latest we've posted on Earmilk,