Heard of 1500 or Nothin' yet? They call themselves a "Musical Movement". There is a video below that explains them a little better but basically it is a huge band that has some core members. Their feature list is impressive with names such as: Phonte, Snoop, The Game….the list goes on. Its a huge mix of different sounds that ultimately comes out sounding really good.
Don Cannon has come and hosted the Life on Mars Vol. 1 mixtape that has Mars(also part of 1500 or nothing). It also features a lot more members who are associated with 1500 or Nothing. Download the mixtape for free at the bottom of this post.
[vimeo]https://vimeo.com/3750928[/vimeo]Who is 1500 or Nothing? Video
Download: Don Cannon Presents Mars of 1500 or Nothin' – Life on Mars Mixtape Vol. 1