On Monday, Red Bull revealed their details for the latest installment of Red Bull Zeltron World Wide, the unique, four-part event series created with South Florida rapper, Denzel Curry. Curry on March 20th will face off against DC hardcore rapper, Rico Nasty.
There's a host, drinks, performers, and…wrestlers.
Denzel loves professional wrestling which has inspired this whole series. Red Bull Zeltron World Wide will bring to life the literal aspect of wrestling unlike any other event to San Fran. Artists step into a wrestling ring, and go head-to-head entertainingly performing their music to the crowd.
The vision behind Curry’s dream show was first put into fruition with Red Bull in Miami back in 2018 as Red Bull: Zeltron vs. Zombies, the unforgettable event that saw the rapper battle New York’s Flatbush Zombies. The concept has since become a series of shows, Red Bull ZWW, which, as Curry announced following his bout against Joey Bada$$ during the 2019 Red Bull Music Festival Atlanta.
The date now announced for San Fransisco comes a few months after they announced the bill of the hometown ZWW upcoming stop on Feb. 29th with the East Atlanta lyricist, J.I.D.
Fans can purchase tickets for the San Francisco event here.
Denzel Curry v. Rico Nasty
Friday, March 20th, 2020 7:00PM – 11:00PM
Fort Mason, 2 Marina Blvd Building C, San Francisco, CA 94123
- February 29th – Miami, FL: Denzel Curry v. J.I.D @ Magic City Innovation District
- March 20th – San Francisco, CA: Denzel Curry v. Rico Nasty @ Fort Mason
- New York, NY – Details coming soon
Last week, Curry released a collaboration mixtape with producer Kenny Beats, named UNLOCKED. Rico Nasty's has a much-anticipated forthcoming debut album, Nightmare Vacation set to drop later this year.