Quality free music that features 8-bit noises, video game tracks and slick rhymes. Read about the shizz HERE.
04 C.R.E.A.M.T.R.A.
Download: Safety Words – C.R.E.A.M.T.R.A.
03 That Ol Dirty Paperboy (remix)
Download: Safety Words – That Ol' Dirty Paperboy (remix)
Download: Safety Words – The Ghostfaced Pixels Mixtape
Guess them peeps out in the midwest can make interesting music, after all (burn).
Instrumental hip hop group from St. Louis called Safety Words. they are two producers who go by the names of Parisian and Dr. Phelonious. This is a Mediafire link to a mixtape called Ghostfaced Pixels, where they took about 40 Nintendo games, flipped the music into beats, then paired them with Ghostface/Wu Tang acapellas. Parisian does all the scratching.