Today's delivery is brought to you by John Talabot. This young producer, from Barcelona, has recently released his brand new LP entitled ƒIN and has made it difficult to completely label his style. Some if the tracks are your standard house or nu-disco tracks and then others are a very minimalist approach. You'll find tracks that are heavily layered but in a way that is so seamless that it often feels effortless. This, of course, is a huge compliment to John's ability to weave sounds together so well. The track I'm bringing to you today is called "Estiu" which ecompasses that layered approach and carries a very nice chilled out disco approach. It's as though a chill-wave track was given an infusion of funk and the outcome was this down tune.
I've also had to include the track "Last Land" which has two acts. The first act definitely falls into the "chill" category and then you are rewarded, for your docile obedience, in the second act when John kicks it up a notch and finishes off track fast and strong. The orchestra sound also keeps the track grounded on the chiller side of things. Check out the track(s) and chill….