Toronto-based singer-songwriter, instrumentalist, and producer Shannon Chapman's raw authenticity and charm are the building blocks of her artistry. Her knack for taking relatable topics, and presenting them in a refreshing perspective shines in her new release "Playing Games." The self-produced track explores negative connotations that come with being true to oneself. This stems from her experiences growing up in an environment where people mistook her genuineness and branded her to be too bold. Using those experiences as a morale booster, Shannon Chapman slowly dusted herself and put down the anchor of pretending to be someone else. The production is solemn, nostalgic and warm and fits Chapman's bright vocal runs and heartwarming lyrics.
The visuals use subtle motifs that underscore Shannon Chapman's playful demeanour and her next-door-girl aura.
"Playing games" is the title track from Shannon Chapman’s second EP.
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