"Courage" is the newest release from beloved UK/Nigerian singer/songwriter Ray BLK, which serves as a turning point in her life as she ventures into a new phase. To bring this to life, she recruits producer Ray Michael who taps into the 90s R&B era with a touch of Mary J Blige to gift Ray BLK with this emotionally punchy, unapologetic track comprising thumping drum breaks and heartfelt piano riffs. Here, Ray explicitly details her experience with an abusive ex who manipulated her in several ways.
Lines like "Want me submissive using Bible verses/Telling me all your false prophecies/Need you around, you addictive but it's clear to see, that is a codependency/ you got some problems, you really do" dive into Ray's reevaluation of the situation and finally her exiting the relationship for good. Overall, the track's bare-bones arrangement is perfect for Ray's powerful melodic runs and detailed songwriting that evokes the story of a woman finding her true worth after going through the wringer.