Michael Kirby-McGann, known simply as Michael Kirby, is a New York City-based music artist and middle school dean from Hartford, CT. His debut album Spying On Heaven, was released in 2018 and he recently put out his third album Shoulders Carry Honor, which navigates the topics of temptation, burnout, and working in the field of education with brutal honesty.
"Get Some Help" is a heartfelt and reflective track that talks about the effects of burnout due to the modern-day hustle culture that we are all trapped in. The track is made up of a soulful and warm backdrop with a solid drum groove to match Michael's insightful lyrics and laid-back performance. As the title suggests, the song reminds us that we need to take time from the never-ending hustle and bustle to revitalize our minds and bodies before it grinds to a screeching halt.
Stream "Get Some Help" on Apple Music, YouTube
The second track "Black Professional" dives into the complexities of being a Black male in the field of urban education. From being ill-equipped in a system that doesn't offer the much-needed support or training leading to a drastic drop in the number of black male educators in the ranks. The record is quite insightful and sheds light on the current situation from Michael who is an insider. Lines like "Be careful, be careful, be careful, nigga/Said there’s a lot of things you need to be aware of, nigga/ Situations you ought to be scared of" set the tone as he proceeds to break down the many ways the system fails black men in this pivotal sector.
Connect with Michael Kirby : SoundCloud | Spotify | TikTok | YouTube | Apple Music | Bandcamp | Instagram