Superparka, a duo hailing from Paris and composed of Paco and Simon, has released their latest single "AZ". The track serves as a taste of their forthcoming 9-track LP, generating excitement and anticipation among their fans. The French dup have swiftly become one of the most exciting names in the world of lo-fi, psychedelic electronic music. Sounding impressively close to a Flying Lotus track, "AZ" is a track for the chilled-out, hazy evenings of summer.
Directed by the talented French filmmaker Pablo Padovani, also known as Moodoid, the music video for "AZ" takes viewers on a mesmerising and surreal journey set in the vast landscapes of the Sahara desert. Paco and Simon wander through expansive, sandy hills, encountering mystical ancient creatures and even a goat that transforms into a CD. The video serves as an abstract representation of the creative process behind their highly anticipated album. The combination of the wide and breathtaking landscapes with outer worldly visuals seamlessly blends with the ethereal and dreamy ambiance of the single.