London-based duo CHIMES, comprised of Draper and Paul Aiden, have unveiled a groovy track called "Trust" on BonFire Records, a quickly growing independent label with artists like Jay Warren, Schier, Hykuu, and Inveness.
The track begins with an inviting vocoder that certainly doesn't give away the track's genre. It progresses into a wondrous and powerful buildup that features pianos, plucks, and pads. Catchy, invigorating, and uplifting only scratch the surface of this track's texture. The drop is a pulsating synth masterpiece with epic drum fills peppered in with a strong festival vibe to it. CHIMES does an amazing job at building an impeccable contrast between the verses and the synth-infused drop. This is a track that you have to trust will take you into a musical wonderland.
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Connect with CHIMES: SoundCloud | Facebook