"Moln," a haunting tune by multi-instrumentalist Menke, is a musical arrangement of a Swedish poem by Karin Boye. The track on its own is delicate and ethereal. After being added to Spotify's "Most Beautiful Songs in the World" playlist, German producer Alva Noto has decided to add his own spin to the track.
Of the track, Alva Noto says:
Well, I did a bit of research on the writer. She seemed to have had an interesting life with a very dramatic end. I love the idea of poems and to work with music and poetry together. I do not understand Swedish, but I could sense the feeling of the poem through the voicing of the vocals and the general atmosphere of the song.
Menke's vocal is hushed, haunting and otherworldly, but Noto's subdued electronics and expert layering to knock this already stunning track into an entirely different galaxy. The pulse of the beat gives the fragility of "Moln" much-needed depth and gravity.