Transferring the narrative of her character from Matt Okine's TV show The Other Guy, Amali Golden delivers a brooding and synth heavy tale of love lost on "Elephant (Talk About It)." Aptly titled, the track centers around the difficult conversations in relationships, and dodging them at all costs. In the video, Golden explores the idea of distance and isolation with her stone-faced partner, never spending too much time with him during a scene. Her vocals have a cherry-red timbre that turns deep red during the breakdown. There's a catchy flair in her inflections, adding vibrancy and pop to an otherwise moody midnight tune.
The burden of holding her tongue becomes too much by video's end, where glasses are smashed and furniture is flipped with an explosion of energy supported by the high pitched synths. "Elephant (Talk About It)" concludes by being cinematic and infectious, all at once. "This was the first time I’ve written a song in character, and it was strangely freeing" Golden explains. "Even though it was based on a character, the concept of two people in a relationship avoiding a dreaded conversation they know they need to have is pretty universal."
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