Coming out of Texas, rapper Trevor Lee employs pop sensibilities to get across his tightly stitched, conscious raps. "Prollems" is another heavy hitting single he adds to his repertoire. His inflections are biting, sounding as if any second he's going to rip off the chain and pounce. The lyrics are a healthy mix of wise-man adages and well crafted punchlines, showing off Trevor Lee's range as a writer. All the while, he stays light of his toes riding the beat and letting the synths do the work of keeping the track wavy.
Trevor battles T-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a form of blood cancer. After being diagnosed in 2015, he has undergone over sixty-seven in-hospital treatments, with minimal success. Despite that, his music and his live shows have more energy and life to them than your favorite rapper's. Trevor explains that his happiness rests in his ability to share his story, that it might encourage others in their own personal battles. His message: “Struggle ain’t new, and you're not alone."
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