"Firing Squad" was originally a slow, moody tune written by during a Woody Allen movie marathon. Stone Cold Fox then decided to make a few changes to the song and turn it into a rock summer anthem. Though "Firing Squad" was written during a depressive period for vocalist/guitarist Kevin Olken Henthorn, something positive came from the experience.
"I showed it to Ariel (former member/producer of the band) and he was like, “Wait, why don’t we just make this faster?” If you’ve heard the song by now, then you’ll notice it is definitely not an old sad bastard song anymore. And that’s something we do a lot in Stone Cold Fox. We take the basis of a song, the emotional fuel, and we try and flip it on its end and challenge its form. What started as a song about defeat, turned into a song about triumph in the face of defeat," Henthorn told to A.V. Club.
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Stone Cold Fox will be having an EP release party on May 7th at New York's Mercury Lounge.