French producer Allure, also known as Lorris Piasco, is back with his first new original track since the debut of his Fantasy EP at the beginning of this year. That doesn’t mean we haven’t been treated kindly by some stellar remixes that keep falling victim to those dreadful SoundCloud takedowns—including Piasco’s Crystal Waters remix as well as his Brandy remix. His new single is called “By Surprise,” which is just as scandalous, but in a different way.
Filled with flirty progressions and (dare I say) alluring falsetto vocals, Piasco makes it hard to resist this musical seduction. It’s the sort of track that makes you feel all bubbly and cute inside. Word is there’s a new EP on the way. Until then, check out Allure’s SoundCloud and Facebook for more treats and free downloads before they’re gone.
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