There are no words that can justify the events happening in Baltimore. Regardless of your stance on the subject, mistakes were made by both sides (especially the struggle rapper that promoted his mixtape on CNN after speaking on Freddie Gray and the struggle that African Americans face on a daily basis.) But don't tell Newcentz about what you've heard going on–he's living through it. The rapper lives a stone's throw away from the CVS that got burned down but he's not letting the oppression damage the perception of what Baltimore is all about.
Whereas his last track, "Heart So Cold," was an introspective, heartfelt cut, Centz' latest effort completely flips the script. "Handstand" is the type of music your mother doesn't want you listening to. It's a mindless, Saturday-night club joint, that's best enjoyed loud and alongside some questionable morales. It's something needed right now to uplift the spirits of the city's citizens. Check it out and expect more great music from the rapper in the near future.
- April 31st, 2015