I've said this time and time again to anyone would listen but I'm here to say this again- I love songs that make me feel, but not in the way you think. While most people will turn to the future scene for the "feels," I'm much more interested in songs that can freak me the f*ck out.
Luckily, both those that like the feels of the future scene and myself might be able to meet in the middle ground with this track by 9th Cloud. "Almost Now Utopia" is the result of a two year project for his upcoming release Prism, which includes an audio-visual live show. While not a future track, the song is amazingly haunting, beautiful, and moving, and those that want to feel with their music, this is a must-hear. The France-based artist has been making music since 1999, and "Almost Now Utopia" highlights how far he's gone, and we're very excited to hear/see the full project that is Prism.
Check out the track below. Prism is out March 31st via EKLEKTIK Records.

9th Cloud
Almost Now Utopia
- March 31, 2015