Oh the joys and woes of teenage angst and the rat race of competing in the popularity contest. Shout out to all the folks who flipped the status quo and did what they wanted in school. Can I get a show of hands how many people in college actually cared about what you did in high school? To those in still in grade school reading this, hang in there – it gets better. To those who may not be in school who wish they could be like the cool kids – don’t. Be yourself and you’ll excel. The guy all the girls swooned over in my college was the biggest pimple faced drum major (and damn good drum major too) – things change, hang in there.
This way of thinking is exactly what house producers Gazzo and Two Friends strive to emulate in their latest remix of Echosmith’s “Cool Kids.” Life is too short to worry about being like other people. Through every stabbing synth line and slapping kick drum the radiate the message to love yourself, live in light and dance like you have no care in the world. Let the words roll over you and off your back as their progressive house remix explodes with massive notes of jubilation. Grab the song as a free download below and dance your cares away – you deserve it because you are you and that’s what matters.
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Cool Kids (Gazzo & Two Friends remix)