OG Maco and Rome Fortune are two of the more eccentric emcees coming out of Atlanta, which is like saying they are blackest pair of kettles in the Ebony Kitchenware Store. The former made a name for himself and gained the internet's attention screaming, nearly incoherently, over the most minimal of piano led beats on "U Guessed It;" then followed it up with the Migos assisted "Fuckem3x," where once again, he left the microphone and listeners' eardrums bruised. While Fortune has taken to dying his beard an array of different colors, pushing the boundaries between music and performance art; as he typically subdued delivery breathlessly races to keep up with his rapidly expanding interests.
Therefore, it was evident that the world was going to be in for a treat, when Fortune and Maco announced their collaborative project last year.The aptly titled Yep EP is finally here and fans who were eager to hear it, are finally vindicated. Everything about this nine track extended play oozes quality and replay value. Both emcees show off their versatile flows, over production that is top notch.
Maco still has all of the fiery roar that typified the OG Maco EP, but sprinkles in a lot of the Breathe EP's traditional rhyme schemes and energy level. In fact, one of the strongest tracks from his second release, "Riot," finds it way on to this tape. While it doesn't necessarily fit with the overall vibe of the EP, it is still a fantastic song that should prove all of Maco's naysayers wrong.
Some of Maco's boisterousness has been rubbing off on Fortune, possibly since his last release Small VVorld. Rome refuses to be passed up any longer and is definitely using this opportunity to show everyone that he is an incredible performer. "Jungle" and "Pay Rent" are two of the best songs on the project and feature Cowboy Pimp going hard as hell, this isn't a coincidence.
The high level of quality on Yep isn't surprising, it answers all of the questions you might have in it's title. Does it have big named producers, like TM 88, Childish Major, and Suicideyear on it? Yep. Does OG Maco spazz on it? Yep. Is Rome Fortune killing it as well? Yep. Should I stream or download it? Yep