Besides being a perfectionist with his work, Stanley Kubrick will forever be remembered as a director who pushed the boundaries of the people around him in order to make great art. Although he wasn't able to see his final film, Eyes Wide Shut, Toronto's very own Rich Kidd is back to pay tribute to the late film pioneer and reintroduce his work to a new audience. "The Valley" begins like a standard rap video: the main character and his friends are on the everlasting quest for some female companionship.
But once they enter the mansion, they're greeted by scantily clad women and men that are dressed to the nines enjoying their hedonistic lifestyles in this RT! directed flick. While the guests are being whisked away by the females and the video reaches its chilling conclusion, we learn that the occupants desire something more than some music and a good time. The track, which comes from Kidd's excellent mixtape, In My Opinion, is not one that should be passed on. Expect some new bangers from the Canadian in the near future as he's currently working with famed producer Young Guru on his debut album.

Rich Kidd
"The Valley"
- March 30th, 2014