You know, it’s really refreshing when an artist delves into a genre we all know and love and brings something totally new to it. A lot of the time this can be done in a way that seems to vibrate the core of our auditory system in a terribly dissonant fashion, but sometimes an artist is spot on and revolutionizes a genre because of it. Now I’m not saying this track is going to, but this is definitely worth a listen for anyone bored and looking for refreshment. This is Kyle Lloyd’s first release, and one can tell he’s going to be turning some heads in the scene. “Society,” released on Chameleon Music is a full-length single that utilizes minimalism, intense bass, and organic samples that really make an impact on the ears. Check this one out, I’m interested to hear more from this guy.

Kyle Lloyd
- Chameleon Music
- January 6th 2014