There has got to be something in the water surrounding Australia that turns its citizens into musical geniuses. It seems like for every one talented musician, DJ or producer that comes out of the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, the U.S.A. etc., Australia's busting out two more. And it's surely not an issue of quantity over quality. Case in point: there's the Melborne-based dream-pop band Snakadaktal that's making signature easy-listening sounds, intelligently produced and layered with strong, reflective lyrics, all while up north in Sydney, Hayden James is pumping out skillfully mixed tracks with brilliant synths and disco grooves. James is also known for sampling beautiful vocals so it must have been a no brainer for him to grab Snakadaktal's gorgeous vocals from their very popular "Fall Underneath" to make a catchy electronic track with a hip-hop beat. The result is a unique, balanced sound that will leave you believing in the great and powerful Oz.