Young producer Alex Klinger's "Particle Dance" sounds, in many ways, exactly as the title suggests. Bits and pieces of alluring noises combined together, fusing into a not exactly electronic, not exactly hip hop, but altogether brilliant three and a half minutes.
The track itself spends the first minute showing the listener the steady beat, before diving headfirst into the melody after the 1.10 mark. "Particle Dance" audibly evokes a mental image of fragments of color, light, and well, particles, dancing around a fire to whatever version of cult they belong to. It's ritualistic, primitive, and breaks down the song into simple components. Don't let those words fool you however, this song is nothing short of brilliance, and it's ability to drag head-bopping vibes out of the audience on a hump day highlights the complex control the young Klinger has on his music. The raw energy of this track highlights the true potential of Klinger's longevity as an unique producer.
"Particle Dance" is out now, along with the rest of his EP 20, which is out free on Bandcamp.
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Alex Klinger
Particle Dance
- September 24, 2013