It's truly a great time to be a part of the music world. Artists are pushing forth their true nature and crafting an image that perfectly coincides with their honest artistic vision. It's about time. Anyways, one such singer, Elli Ingram, has done just this. Mixing in the pop styles of the past, along with all that funk and soul the world has forgotten about a bit, she has crafted a nostalgic, old-timey feel that perfectly matches her beautiful voice.
In "Mad Love," she lightheartedly goes over the trials and (potential) pains of loving a guy that might not be the best for her (hey, we've all been there). The music video itself is light in nature until all of a sudden there's a shot of some older people dancing sexily and multiple types of guns come onto the screen. It's definitely an edge to the singer I wasn't expecting, although it did make the video a lot more interesting when it began to bask in its weirdness. It's only at this point I begin to notice that she's been watering a special herb this whole time, and she's got more than a few piercings Mom probably doesn't approve of. Turns out this girl is a pretty big badass, and "Mad Love" featured all dynamics of this incredibly fascinating singer.
This track can be found on her EP Sober, which won rave reviews from fans and critics alike. It's available as a free download on her site.