This is your Daily 2% – Chilled and Ready to Serve. We will try to bring you one "chill" track every day. This is for when you get home and you are trying to unwind. You reach for that glass of wine or that unlit Black & Mild or maybe you reach for something more herbal. This track is for those times. We are just your milkmen and I'm here to make a delivery. Chill…
Today's track comes from Zeroh, a Long Beach native and experimental and enigmatic emcee who's most recent project, Bred: A Dedication, dropped a couple of weeks ago. Though the whole album is a fantastic piece of work (I've given it multiple listens), there is something prominent about "Yeast Meets Wests" and "Tricking In Florence", the final two tracks on the album. They are paired in such a way that you will not do the songs justice by just listening to one of them; the previously mentioned tracks by the lyricist must be listened to back to back, similar to the unwritten rule of playing Queen's "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" together. "Yeast" and "Tricking" are the proverbial ying and yang; while the first is a somber, spaced out tune that evokes feelings of isolation, the later flips the script with a bolstering base line and some breathtaking wordplay. Go and cop some of Zeroh's tracks immediately before the guy blows up.