Oakland beat maker Falcons releases his third installment to the Remixxes collection. In proper Falcons fashion, he combines dance heavy, club trap beats with the soulful sounds of 90s R&B. After immediate acclaim with the drop of Remixxes 2 (the one with "Vroom" and "Googley"), the hype for Remixxes 3 was at an all-time high.
Immediately the first track to jump out at me was the massive remix of "Oh!" by Ciara and Ludacris. With fellow producer Mike G alongside Falcons, the track becomes nothing short of an anthem for this EP. That said, every song has its own flair. In "Boy Is Mine", the EP begins with a short verbal introduction before quickly letting you know exactly what is happening. Keeping with his own descriptive R&Bass type sound, Falcons cuts, chops and pitches lyrical goddess and gives them the proper hip hop beat they deserve.
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