You didn't really want to go. I mean, let's be honest, the only reason you went is because you saw that guy you like clicked "Attending" on the Facebook event page. So you went. And now you're sitting in a dark basement with a smoke machine and a guy waving a flashlight around to mimic a strobe light (hey, everyone's on a budget). The entire space is dark, save for a few purple and blue flickerings. You're sort of dizzy. There's some weird industrial-ambient-goth-lite music playing. You don't really like it but people seem to be swaying to it in unenthusiastic approval. You stayed longer than you really wanted to, but you didn't want to leave just in case he decided to show up. You're sitting a couch next to some guy who keeps blathering on about a "short" he's "directing". Apparently you have "just the right look" to play the protagonist's sister.
You drank more than usual because you were nervous and bored. You want to leave but you don't know how. You've reached the point right on the cusp of calling it a night, or committing to vomiting in the heavily graffiti'd bathroom. This is basically what SpaceGhostPurrp's B.M.W. EP feels like.
It's #dark, wavy, repetitive, and just gives you this overall "Are we there yet?" feeling. You know you don't want to listen to the whole album because it's pretty nauseatingly raunchy, and not at all innovative, but something is forcing you to listen to it in its entirety. After the first couple songs you're already looking at the track list to see how many are left.
I don't actually know a lot about SpaceGhostPurrp, other than the fact that he has one of the most amazing Wikipedia user profiles in existence, but I could barely get through this EP The songs sounded incredibly similar to each other and never really went anywhere. At the time of writing, I can't recall a single chorus or hook. Furthermore, the songs all felt long, which is never a good thing. After thinking I had been listening to a song for at least 5 minutes, I would look at my iPhone and realize I was only half-way through a 3 minute song.
The only track that really stuck out to me was "Wholelatta Ice" and that was mostly because I was depositing a cheque at the bank at the time it came on. Other than that, the album does a pretty good job of evoking a major sinister vibe, but it gets tired after the first two songs. Listen to "Wholelatta Ice" and "Swervin" (for good measure) below. You can also download the album from DatPiff.