"Ass grabbing, hair pulling, weed smoking sex toy." The most prominate words spoken by Pradda in his demonically dark tone. Once again Pradda goes over an M|O|D original beat, this time produced by crew member Yung Satan. The production of this track is perfectly minimalistic with plenty heavy bass kicks, 808 drums and high-pitched synths to scare even the most badass of human beings. All together the track fits perfectly in the subject matter of sex in the most vile of ways. Pradda spares no remorse for what he is about to spit into your ears. He let's you know it's just you and him, and that alone is lovely. But if you are going to be with Pradda, you should know that he might have you do a couple of things that you may or may not be completely down with.
Pradda even lists off his female wish list in the song "You can have my baby, if you don't get fat after, ass is fatter, titties bigger, tummy flatter." If you fit this bill, I'm sure you'll be fine. Even if you aren't down for the get down, at least lay back light a bone and throw this on the speakers. I guarantee you're in for a treat here.
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/59777180" iframe="true" /]
Artwork by Owen Parsons. Find him on twitter @YETI_BHC.