What happens when you take one the biggest names in electronic music, add one of the largest budgets for an electronic music video, and then employ the enthusiasm of 2000 diehard fans? In true Deadmau5 form you get a visually stunning and humorous experience, where giant sized robots battle it out to the delight of quintessential Americans (who have their choice of either trailer trash or horny yuppies). Yes, it’s cage fighting circa 2050, as Joel Zimmerman and Gerard Way show down in a steel dome of death, complete with a kandi kid clad crowd surrounding the cage in a roaring frenzy. Brilliant graphics and superb stage design add to the simple fact that the video is energetic, entertaining, and gives a high-tech Mr. Meowingtons his shot at stardom. Hopefully this will tide you over till Album Title Goes Here comes out on September 25th.