I clearly remember the first track that I heard of Seven Lions, thanks to Croydon, which was to the tune of Florence and The Machine. This time around, however, Seven Lions takes the English trio known as Above & Beyond and gives them another amazing melodic dubstep remix. Having already remixed an Above & Beyond track – "You Got To Go" – Jeff Montalvo aka Seven Lions certainly knows how to "On My Way to Heaven" into nirvana for the ears.
Perhaps the greatest aspect of Jeff's tracks is the manner in which he really highlights the vocals. Rather than having vocals solely accompany the track in a backseat manner or having the vocals get lost in the insanity that dubstep wreaks, Jeff does an exceptional job of incorporating the vocals to truly complement the track as a whole. Where there is a seemingly lull in the sounds, Jeff fills the void with a perfect placement of words. However don't get me wrong, Jeff still provides an ample amount of harmonic dubstep. Nothing too overdone and nothing too soft, but rather an amazing progression of sound that will move you.
So take a second to buy this incredible track over on Beatport, and be on the lookout for more Seven Lions productions in the future.
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