Full transparency: this song came out two months ago, and it's not free on our site. Typically, if one of those two facts were true about a post on our site you'd probably say "fuck this." But, you know what? We know that. And still decided that this track was worth sharing with you.
Japandroids are a two-piece band hailing from the beautiful city that Steve Nash calls home: Vancouver, BC. Their music, though, sounds nothing like any two-piece band you've ever heard. And that's because they don't give a shit about being a two-piece band. As the bio on their site aptly states, Japandroids are a two-person group trying to sound like a five-person group. Their sound is big. The melodies and hooks are the kind that are typically reserved for bands with drummers who have 1,000 drums and guitar players who are playing on guitars made of wood salvaged from shipwrecks. This is two-person, garage stadium rock, and it rules.
The track, "The House that Heaven Built," is part of a two-song EP that goes by the same name, released in anticipation of their next album "Celebration Rock" with Champaign, Illinois' Polyvinyl Records.
Please, play this song, and sing the chorus at the top of your lungs on your way home from work or school. I promise it will help.
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